
Hyperlipidemia in Cats
Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Although hyperlipidemia is less common in cats than in dogs and people, cats can have too much fat in their blood. This is caused by a genetic condition or an underlying ailment. Vomiting and diarrhea are common symptoms, although a cat may show no symptoms at all. It is typical for blood lipid levels to temporarily rise after a meal and then return to normal, but persistently high blood fat levels are dangerous and should be checked by a veterinarian.

What Exactly Is Hyperlipidemia?

Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which an animal’s blood has an excess of fat. Triglycerides and cholesterol are the two most common lipids present in the blood. When one or both of these levels in the blood are elevated, the cat is said to have hyperlipidemia.
In cats, there are two types of hyperlipidemia, both of which can induce the same symptoms but have different causes:
Primary hyperlipidemia is a rare genetic condition.
Secondary hyperlipidemia occurs when an underlying illness condition raises blood lipid levels.

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