
Your New Kitten’s First 30 Days

Make sure the new kitten has its own bed, food and water dishes, litter box, and toys, even if you already have a cat. To give your cat a temporary, enclosed place to relax away from other pets and possible threats in the rest of the house, set up a bathroom or other small room with these materials.

To avoid the cats from stalking or terrifying each other while using the boxes, there should be at least one more litter box than there are cats, and there shouldn’t be a direct line of sight between them. To make your cat feel at home, you’ll also need more litter and, of course, kitten food.

First Day

Although the first day with your new kitten is enormously fascinating you need to be careful not to overwhelm it. Allow the kitten to explore the little space you’ve previously created for it, or if you didn’t have time to get ready for its arrival, create a safe space and sit in it while the cat gets used to it.

If you have other animals, let them sniff the kitten from afar while making sure to always keep the kitten secure. When you can’t watch the kitten, keep it in the small room with its possessions so you won’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt.

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